Breaking Bodog News: Bodog`s Back
In 2007 all eyes were on Bodog as the well known and well established saw its last customers and became Bodoglife continued the high quality product and excellent experience and some may have even forgotten about the original epithet, Bodog.
For many however Bodog was always remembered and a return to the name that gave many of us our first and best gaming experiences was always hoped for. This week saw an announcement from Bodog and the Morris Mohawk Gaming Group exactly to that effect: a domain licensing agreement has been finalised and is back!
The deal that's been made will enable the worldwide Bodog family to unit under one name. Mr Morris of Morris Mohawk Gaming Group noted on the subject, "we are absolutely thrilled to be able to return the Bodog experience to its rightful home…"; and Managing Director of Bodog Europe, Keith McDonnel commented, "As the 'Bodog' brand licensee for Europe, we are ecstatic to see the return of".