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The Continuation Bet in No Limit Texas Holdem
A popular and important strategic maneuver in the game of no-limit Texas
Holdem Online is the continuation bet. Although the continuation bet
sometimes overused, if it is ignored, the results can be unfortunate, as
makes it easier for opponents to catch on to your style of play.
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What is the Continuation Bet?
In no-limit Texas hold’em, aggression wins pots. The player who
is leading
the betting is in control of the hand, and can win if he shows down the
hand or if he gets his opponents to fold. This is why it is often a good
to enter a pot raising before the flop. Usually you will do this with a
hand, but not always.
The bad news is that you will probably miss the flop, since most flops
most people most of the time. The good news is that your opponents will
miss the flop for the same reason. Since you bet before the flop, your
have no reason to believe that your hand is not still good after the
flop. Therefore,
you can often win the pot by making a continuation bet on the flop. This
a continuation of the betting action you initiated before the flop, and
is intended
to disguise whether the flop hit you or not. If an ace comes on the
flop, opponents
may believe you raised pre-flop with a hand like AK or AQ. If it does
not, your
bet on the flop may indicate an overpair.
Making Continuation Bets Work for You
You should not fall into a predictable pattern with your continuation
If you make a continuation
bet every time you hit the flop and check every time you miss, your
will quickly learn to raise your continuation bets. If you never
bet and only bet the flop if you hit it hard, your opponents will figure
that a check on the flop means weakness. Alternate your betting pattern
erring on the side of making the continuation bet to keep opponents
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