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Poker Rooms FAQ

All the questions and answers regarding installation of Poker Skins software:

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Party Poker installation
Q: Can I install Party Poker skin while the software is running?
A: You can install new skins while software is running on your computer, but you have to be in the lobby when you install the skins. You can also install PartyPoker skins while software isn't running. After installing the new skin, Poker Skins software will launch automatically.
How to select Poker sounds
Q: I selected a Party Poker skin, but I can't mark the "Install Sounds" checkbox.
A: Not all poker skins have new sounds.
PartyPoker's original images
Q: How do I go back to PartyPoker's original images?
A: Poker Skins software also offers Party Poker's original images package.
Empire Poker installation
Q: Can I install Empire Poker skin while the software is running?
A: You can install new skins while software is running on your computer, but you have to be in the lobby when you install the skins. You can also install EmpirePoker skins while software isn't running. After installing the new skin, Poker Skins software will launch automatically
How to select Poker sounds
Q: I selected a Empire Poker skin, but I can't mark the "Install Sounds" checkbox.
A: Not all poker skins have new sounds.
Empire Poker's original images
Q: How do I go back to EmpirePoker's original images?
A: Poker Skins software also offer Empire Poker's Original images package.
Skins Installation
Q: Can I install PokerStars skin while the software is running? A: You can't install new skins while software is running on your computer.
A: You can ONLY install PokerStars skins while software IS NOT running. After installing the new skin, Poker Skins software will launch automatically
Theme preview is not available
Q: I am trying to get my skin up and running but when i go to the themes window in pokerstars i cant apply it to my tables, it says preview is not available
A: This problem could happen if you don't have Poker Skins latest version.

Just to be sure you have the updated version please follow these instructions:

  1. Go to your ini file at XTemes folder: " D:\Program Files\PokerStars\XThemes " (if you have it on C it should be:" C:\ProgramFiles\PokerStars\XThemes " )
  2. Delete the file: xthemes.ini
  3. Install Poker Skins new version from:
Now try to install a skin.
Skins Installation
Q: Can I install Full Tilt Poker Backgrounds while the software is running?
A: You can install Full Tilt Poker Backgrounds while software isn't running. After installing the new Background, Poker Skins software will launch automatically
Full Tilt Poker Backgrounds
Q: I installed Full Tilt Poker new backgrounds, how can I see it on Full Tilt Poker software?
A: Enter Full Tilt Poker table, right click to choose from the backgrounds list your new background.
Installation Problem
Q: Can I install Paradise Poker skins while the software is running?
A: You can install Paradise Poker skins while software isn't running. After installing the new skin, Poker Skins software will launch automatically
Sounds installation
Q: I selected a Paradise Poker skin, but I can't mark the "Install Sounds" checkbox.
A: Not all poker skins have new sounds.
Poker Original Images
Q: How do I go back to Paradise Poker's original images?
A: Poker Skins software also offer Paradise Poker's original images package.
888 skins Installation
Q: Can I install PacificPoker skins while the software is running?
A: You can install PacificPoker skins while Pacifc Poker ( software isn't running. After installing the new skin, Poker Skins software will launch automatically PacificPoker software
Install Sounds
Q: I selected a 888 Poker skin, but I can't mark the "Install Sounds" checkbox.
A: Not all poker skins have new sounds.
Paradise Poker's original images
Q: How do I go back to Paradise Poker's original images?
A: Poker Skins software also offer PacificPoker's original images package.
install Doyle's Poker skins
Q: Can I install Doyle's Poker Room theme while the software is running?
A: You can install Doyle's Poker Room skins while Doyle's Poker Room software isn't running. After installing the
Install Sounds
Q: I selected a Doyle's Poker Room theme, but I can't mark the "Install Sounds" checkbox.
A: Not all poker themes have new sounds.
Original Images
Q: How do I go back to Doyle's Poker Room's theme original images?
A: Poker Skins software also offers Doyle's Poker Room's original images package.
Bodog backgrounds
Q: Can I install Bodog background while the software is running?
A: You can install BodogPoker skins while Bodog Poker ( software isn't running. After installing the new skin, Poker Skins software will launch automatically Bodog software
Bodog Sounds
Q: I selected a Bodog Poker skin, but I can't mark the "Install Sounds" checkbox.
A: Not all poker skins have new sounds.
Absolute Poker themes
Q: Can I install Absolute Poker theme while the software is running?
A: You can install new themes while software is running on your computer, but you have to be in the lobby when you install the themes. You can also install AbsolutePoker themes while software isn't running. After installing the new theme, Poker Skins software will launch automatically.
Install Sounds
Q: I selected a Absolute Poker theme, but I can't mark the "Install Sounds" checkbox.
A: Not all poker themes have new sounds.
Original Images
Q: How do I go back to Absolute Poker's theme original images?
A: Poker Skins software also offers Absolute Poker's original images package.
Multi Poker Skins
Q: Can I install Multi Poker skin while the software is running?
A: You can install new skins while software is running on your computer, but you have to be in the lobby when you install the skins. You can also install MultiPoker skins while software isn't running. After installing the new skin, Poker Skins software will launch automatically.
Multi Poker Sounds
Q: I selected a Multi Poker skin, but I can't mark the "Install Sounds" checkbox.
A: Not all poker skins have new sounds.
MultiPoker's original images
Q: How do I go back to MultiPoker's original images?
A: Poker Skins software also offers Multi Poker's original images package.